What's on My Music Stand?
Summer is a time to unwind a bit and have fun exploring music that makes us happy. And since I have been encouraging students to play through favorites, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into some of my soothing favorites that have been on my music stand lately. As we all know, the past few months have been hard, weird and overwhelming. We also know that the arts and music can be really valuable as a way of emotional relief or shelter, or to work out some of those harder feelings. I've been sharing some music on my personal instagram page to connect with friends and bring peaceful little breaks from the news cycle into their routines. These are just casual, spur of the moment videos, and they are what I've sharing with you today. Merry Go Round of Life by Joe Hisaishi This is the main theme from one of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies Howl's Moving Castle , which happens to be based on my favorite book of the same title written by Diana Wynne Jones. It's a ha