Meludia - Aural Training App

In the past year, I've reviewed a few different sight reading apps, because as we all know, I think sight reading is important . But today's app is a little different, Meludia is an Ear Training app that works on developing good aural skills in musicians. Aural skills are what we use to play a song by ear, to take a melody we've heard and translate it into keys, steps, skips, intervals & chords. It's what helps us learn a song by rote - when there isn't any sheet music and we're taught note by note. It's also what helps us catch when we've played a wrong note. And the more notes being played, the harder it can be to catch small mistakes within the chords or passages, so our ears have to be well trained to picking up each tone of a chord, or each note in a phrase or pattern. Ear Training is an essential skill to being a well-rounded musician. And Meludia is a terrific way to build that skill. It is very easy to play and free to install with 1...