Autumn 2020 Video Recital
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 7th at 11:00 am CST/9:00 AM PST because that's when we'll be hosting our Fall Video Recital! As we've done the past couple years, our Fall Recital will be a recorded video recital that I will edit together into a single video file for online viewing. One thing that will be different this year is that the recital video will air as a Video Premiere on the studio Facebook page. I'm excited to give this a try because it will enable us to all sit down and watch the recital together with our videos synced up in real time, and to comment, cheer each other on and interact together while watching the performances. You'll also be able to invite friends and family to tune in with us making this something more akin to a live recital experience. For those of you who use Facebook, you can RSVP to the Fall Video Recital here to get updates on how to tune in for the watch party, and you are welcome to invite friends and family as w