Piano Parent Podcast: Wintertime TLC for your Acoustic Piano

One of the secret upsides for me as a teacher about switching to more online lessons this year has been that I get to see and hear my student's home instruments. This helps me understand what may be causing certain technical and aural road blocks in a student's progress. Learn more about why having a well maintained home practice instrument can make a big impact on a student's progress here.

So today's post is a seasonal reminder to give your piano a little TLC with this episode from the Piano Parent Podcast that aired last winter. Our instruments respond to the changes in temperature and humidity in their environment, the same way we do, and there are a few simple things we can do to improve their functionality and longevity. Hit play on the episode below, or check out the shownotes on the Piano Parent Podcast website to learn more. 

If your piano is due for its annual tuning, call your technician to schedule it today! In McPherson, that's Chuck over at Sounds Great, and if you're in the Pasadena area and don't have a regular technician, give Gary Cockrell a call.