Million Dreams - Beginning Piano Sheet Music

It's time for another Sheet Music feature! This piece has been a very popular one in our studio this year after one student performed it in our Fall Recital. And I have to say, I'm loving the way it's motivating practice and musicality in young students. A Million Dreams , arranged here for late beginning piano, offers young musicians the chance to play a solo that is familiar and sure to inspire. It will also stretch beginning pianists to play expressively and carry the melody between two hands. The use of the pedal provides an optional extra layer for later beginners. You can listen to this arrangement, and preview the sheet music below. This music is published through Sheet Music Plus. look inside A Million Dreams - Easy Piano Solo By The Greatest Showman. Arranged by Dawn Ivers. Solo Part. 4 pages. Published by Dawn Ivers (H0.401931-SC000017506). If you are interes...